skinny jeans workout (hybrid)
30 minutes
Get back in your skinny jeans! This class combines varying levels of intensity with core conditioning to work every inch of your body. Feel confident wearing your Skinny Jeans (or shorts) and sleeveless tops year round.

Wednesday's @ 5:30pm
lazy girl's workout (hybrid)
50 minutes
For a lazy girl, laying down is essential. ☺️ That’s the motivation behind this Pilates mat class. This in studio & live stream workout does it all. It builds your core muscles, sculpts your upper body, flattens, strengthens and firms up your abs, lifts your butt & tones your legs.

Sunday @ 6pm
Diastasis Assessment
1 hour
What To Expect During Your Session:

Your assessment includes a gentle, manual abdominal assessment of your diastasis with a post therapy consult to discuss my findings and your treatment plan.
After Workout Treatment
30 minutes
Our recovery focused, after workout treatments are exactly what your mind and body need. These 30-minute after workout sessions restore and repair your muscles to avoid injury, over use and stress. It's the best, time efficent way, to untangle stubborn muscle knots, release entrenched trigger points, accelerate the body’s natural healing process and breakdown old scar tissue.

After your movement assessment, your therapist will design the best treatment plan for you.
mindful movement
30 minutes
Take a deep breath…. Strengthen your core and improve your flexibility with this unique yoga practice.😍
lean body workout (hybrid)
30 minutes
This core strength class builds your strength as you trim your belly and tone your thigh.

Mondays @ 7pm
Prenatal Pilates Personal Training
1 hour
This unique Pilates session is a complete pre-baby workout. It combines balance training, muscle toning, core conditioning, strength & flexibility training with prenatal nutrition tips. Everything a you'll need to prepare for your baby's arrival.
Personal Training
1 hour
The information I gathered from your fitness assessment and evaluation will be used to create your customized training program.
feel the burn (hybrid)
30 minutes
This body rock'n, ab smoke’n, low impact class melts belly fat and tones you to the core.
strong & lean
30 minutes
Build lean muscle without the bulk. Burn body fat with great results. This is the class that gives you boundless energy & keeps you coming back for more. 🙂❤️
1 Drop-in
1 session
This class credit expires 3 month from the date of purchase.
personal training membership
due every month
•24 hour gym access
•4 personal training session/month
•customized workout plan(s)
• nutrition consult
• science based & results-driven nutrition plan.

Each week your sessions will build your core strength, fire-up your energy & keep you on track to reaching your goals.

A 24 hour cancellation policy is in effect. If you cancel less than 24 hours prior to your session, you will forfeit your session.

This package auto-renews every month for 3 months. You will be charged your membership fee on the same day of each month for a total of 3 months.
Pelvic Pain Relief
1 hour
What To Expect During Your Session:

Your assessment includes a gentle, postural & movement assessment of your pain pattern. Afterwards, we’ll talk about with I discovered during your assessment and your treatment options.
15-minute phone consultation
15 minutes
This free 15-minute phone consultation is your best bet, if you’re ready to make a transformation. We’ll get to know one another and you can decide if we’re a fit.
1 hour, 15 minutes
This customized water shiatsu massage is a combination of breath work, dynamic stretching, and acupressure point release.

This calming weightless, water therapy, restores flexibility to reduces joint stiffness and muscular tension as you heal your body, mind & spirit.
total body slim down
30 minutes
This a low impact, high energy strength class wakes your sleepy abs and tones your little butt.
60 minute prenatal massage
1 hour
This customized massage is a combination of gentle to firm pressure, with a focus of relieving prenatal
discomfort, anxiety and muscle aches.
Pilates magic💕
30 minutes
This class combines core exercises fused with dynamic stretches to eliminate chronic stiffness & muscle tension.
prenatal Pilates
50 minutes
👶🏼 Get fit at any stage of pregnancy & beyond. Our prenatal Pilates classes are the best way to build core strength and balance while reducing mommy aches & muscle tension.
90 minute deep Thai massage
1 hour, 30 minutes
This customized massage is a combination of Thai yoga stretch with Deep tissue trigger point release, body walking and joint traction.
hustle & flow (hybrid)
30 minutes
This 30-minute, low impact high energy stretch and strength workout takes your core training to the next level.
30 minutes
Avoid surgery with prehab. If you can spare 30 minutes, 2 times a week, then this class is your path to pain free living.
mind over muscle
30 minutes
ritual hike package
5 sessions
a 5 hike package💕

We hike 2-3 different trails, each week, throughout San Diego.

Package expires 3 months from
the date of purchase.
yoga sculpt
30 minutes
The zen workout that tones your body from head to toe.🧘🏽‍♀️
swimsuit ready workout
30 minutes
The best circuit class on the planet!!☺️ 💕
Thriving While Pregnant
50 minutes
Free prenatal Pilates class for Black moms to be. Thriving while pregnant is a fun, confidence boosting class that prepares moms for a fit labor, empowered delivery and the strength to thrive with her baby.